Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Build Me a Castle

Build Me a Castle

Build me a castle
of sand and stone

fortress against raging
sea and sky.

Protector from the wrath
of the storm’s eye

Build me a castle
upon distant shores

Far away from those islands
I drifted to in my youth
where pain bled
but never healed

Build me a castle
from all I know
to be true.


  1. This is a sad, but wise poem. It's almost as if the castle must be someplace imaginary as it is guarding you from memories. WOnderful write.

  2. This says much more than the words can say... love the repetitions, and such need of protection..

  3. Lisa,

    A reflection on many of life's experiences. Some we look back on fondly, while others we would prefer to close away. Lost to thought, or at least safely away from the world of others...Very realistic.


  4. ah we have to find that foundation well beyond what the thought we learned as truth in our youth...life will test that and let us know if it is lacking...

  5. I like that the castle is a fortress of hope & love & healing all the wounds ~

    Lovely to see you at D'verse ~

  6. "pain bled but never healed"

    ouch! may the comfort of your castle heal you and then take you back outside the walls....

  7. we all dream to feel secure, to build this castle for our soul...

  8. Wow Lisa that second to last stanza is so painful and so powerful. We all seek sanctuary the problem is when we never rejoin the world and remain locked away

  9. A castle takes on so much meaning here. A place of safety, sanctuary, solitude. I hope someone responds to the plea.

  10. A castle to feel protected...I need one too.

  11. security, comfort, peace from the chaos and pain of youthful misdirection..yes, build me a castle too. nice write

  12. ...truth is the ultimate foundation to a happy living... & then love will follow & trust & respect & so on so forth... a great share to read this afternoon... smiles...

  13. "upon distant shores
    Far away from those islands
    I drifted to in my youth"

    I think this is very relatable to so many of us. Yes, a castle, a fortress to protect us--and one of "truth" that cannot be prevailed against by storm would surely be a most welcome sanctuary for our battered hearts. Sounds like a wonderful place...

  14. Thank you all so much for your comments.

  15. Repetition of the plea makes it all the more effective. A castle that protects us would be a good one to have. Very nice. Loved this one.


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