Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Voices (for deverse-what a difference one hour can make)

The Voices

The voices
no longer distracted
by long stretches of sunlight

I revel in the short days
so much to do before

Days slip away
in a whispered hush
I, soul inspired
reach into the dark
confines of twilight

Between the failing
light and dreaming

Words come softly
 in the silent hours

as I try to shape them
into ghosts who gently
whisper they have a reason.


  1. I enjoyed reading your process ~ As the night becomes longer now, I too reach into the dark confines of twilight ~ Ghostly or not, let the words speak ~

  2. Stark and honest. Love it!

  3. Ah, I definitely can identify with words coming softly in the silent hours!! Nice.

  4. smiles...i think as poets we give meaning to those ghosts in our sharing of them...of letting the voices out that live inside us...smiles.

  5. perhaps our ghosts shape us into who we are...

  6. Lisa you are amazing this is so melancholic, tender, and vulnerable exquisite work

  7. Reading this resonates with my November soul...

  8. I agree with Bjorn and MLM...this resonates with me and it is exquisite!

  9. Lovely and it resonates with me.

  10. lovely, I, too find the stillness of the chilled evenings inspiring an inspiring time when the words flow. loved this verse
    "Words come softly
    in the silent hours

    as I try to shape them
    into ghosts who gently
    whisper they have a reason."

  11. You have captured autumn's soul with your words...it is part of you. What a beautiful way at looking at this time of year.

  12. I can so relate to this.. the days slipping by in a whispered rush... and the end is really perfect and true.

  13. Oh I just love this one......days slip away in a whispered hush.


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