Sunday, October 20, 2013

Old Man (Mindlovemisery prompt 26, What can change the nature of a man?)

Old Man

Old man
do you live your life
through the eyes
of the past?

How misery was your companion
your family didn’t last

Love couldn’t change you
no matter what guise it wore

Shredding its garments
time and time again
until you destroyed its core

The eyes of hope
closed and slept
dreaming came to an end

And in your loneliness
you wish you could try
once again

But the years are not forgiving
they wear too many scars


  1. i love the question in the beginning.. i find it to be true.

    1. it is sometimes hard not look back as the years takes a conscious effort to look forward... great poem...

  2. Powerful Lisa! I have certainly known people like this and it is such a tragedy. Sam (husband) spent some time talking to my dying step uncle. My step uncle felt tremendous regret over his life and he was a very lonely isolated person. In the end he pushed others away (siblings) because he thought they would hurt less when he died. I never really knew him because I am scared of men suffering from alcoholism. I am glad he had someone to talk to though, He really trusted Sam so he got things of his chest ya know.

  3. Such a sad, all too common story. I've known so many people like this. Some people are just so lost and I don't think there's anything scarier than an angry man who drinks too much. Thank you for commenting, always nice to hear from you.

  4. heavy. what a hard place...when even love can not break into and save you...all the scars, so heavy a burden to bear...and having been broken you can feel so unworthy as well....with no hope, it oft leads to a very bitter heart....

  5. Very true, definitely a hard place for someone to be. Thanks, Brian.

  6. The scars are a testimony to the past life not well-lived.

  7. This is the sad truth - some of us are too late smart - but better late than never, smiles. A poignant portrait, so well done.

  8. Lisa,

    Your poetry cuts through me at times, as it is so close to some of my own experiences with family years ago, and finally acted out only this year. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone with these situations:)


    1. I am very sorry to hear that you had this experience, such a hard thing for a family to go through and all the bad memories it leaves everyone with. Hope all is well now. Thank you Eileen, always glad to hear from you.

  9. I like the address here, as if God was summing it up for this old man.

  10. This is melancholy, but beautiful. When love can't help, you know there isn't much a body can do. To live with regret, to be alone with those regrets, would be unbearable.

    1. Thank you. I agree, to live alone with such regrets would be unbearable.

  11. My mother was so bitter. It was painful to live with and watch. You have voiced the miserable life so well.

    1. I've had family members who were bitter as well and to be around them was so draining. Thank you Susie.

  12. I've known quite a few people like this and could never understand how they never realized all the pain they caused. Thank you Lorendana.

  13. Misery, destruction, loneliness...scars can be so thick when life has been lived this way. So sad, but so accurately told.

  14. a powerful write. i have known people like that, unable to forgive or forget, and they are not that old.

  15. Very poignant Lisa...and this is sadly true...people unable to move on and remain clutched in the lonely ghosts of their pasts!


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