Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We Can't Leave This

We Can’t Leave This
(December 14, 2012)
Lisa A.Williams

We can’t leave this
even the earth feels
in her core,
from the loss
of innocence
taken under
a bright sky
who could not see
what lurked in the shadows.
Heaven now cradles
what earthly love cannot.
Their empty arms
embrace each other,
seeking solace
for a grief
                                                                        like no other.


  1. "even the earth feels in her core"...so true, a great depiction of the depth this sorrow goes to. And your final sentence perfectly encapsulates the aching grief. Great poetry Lisa.

  2. so lovingly penned... a beautiful expression of grief and compassion.

  3. You have expounded on the loss of life and love here in a manner near mystical.

  4. Indeed, a grief like no other. Your words have great meaning after the Newtown tragedy. Thank you for sharing with Poetry Pantry.


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